Thursday, December 16, 2004
good news
ALHAMDULILLAH.....this is very good news. Send my congrat' to babang k. the others tak nak ke mengikut jejak langkah babang... so she's not teaching anymore eh.
Pasal Zul***** not Zulkifli tu its true but he n family may not be back to Spore takut kena cekup dng ***. Insya Allah he will stay kat Malaysia cos his wife is Malaysian. It is not that they dont want to stay here, Zul unable to extend his visa anymore. Since Spore n Australia govt is in very good term, wallahu a'lam what they hv planned behind us. We just pray that Allah protect him n family. Zul dah macam our own family kat sini. Always drop by to our place n kalau datang terus pegi dapur mintak makan....n his special request time makan mesti ada telur goreng ke, dada ke pokoknya telur. kita pun dah tak kisah, kalau ada lauk, ada lah.kalau takde telur n kicap pun jadi. Sad to hear he got to go back, dia terpaksa. kat sini dah mcm tempat tumpah darah dia.
I met few budak Al***rif kat sini,our 7yrs gap juniors. They approached me while i pegi visiting at one of our malay family here. They know my name n i
dah tanya nama dorang tapi lupa pulak. Dij,i guess u know her...she just finished her NUS last year n the other one masih belajar kat sini. what a small world.
k, got to anak dah mengamuk....
yg ke rindu, rinduan...
Pasal Zul***** not Zulkifli tu its true but he n family may not be back to Spore takut kena cekup dng ***. Insya Allah he will stay kat Malaysia cos his wife is Malaysian. It is not that they dont want to stay here, Zul unable to extend his visa anymore. Since Spore n Australia govt is in very good term, wallahu a'lam what they hv planned behind us. We just pray that Allah protect him n family. Zul dah macam our own family kat sini. Always drop by to our place n kalau datang terus pegi dapur mintak makan....n his special request time makan mesti ada telur goreng ke, dada ke pokoknya telur. kita pun dah tak kisah, kalau ada lauk, ada lah.kalau takde telur n kicap pun jadi. Sad to hear he got to go back, dia terpaksa. kat sini dah mcm tempat tumpah darah dia.
I met few budak Al***rif kat sini,our 7yrs gap juniors. They approached me while i pegi visiting at one of our malay family here. They know my name n i
dah tanya nama dorang tapi lupa pulak. Dij,i guess u know her...she just finished her NUS last year n the other one masih belajar kat sini. what a small world.
k, got to anak dah mengamuk....
yg ke rindu, rinduan...
posted by lunacy at 9:45 PM, | 0 comments