Thursday, April 26, 2007

Salam semua,
Hebat betul korang berdebat tentang madrasah kat hot sampai kat sini wonder Australia kemarau teruk...that's what i heard keluar kat straits times singapore....hehehe....Alhamdulillah summer dah berlalu, sekarang ni dah start nak 'beku' balik and hujan dah start pouring everynow and then...
Syabas wa, for having a good plan to send Adib to Madrasah. Insya Allah he will berjaya both in duniawi and akhirat. Importantly you as parents willing to put more effort to guide your children. Anyway kat mana2 anak2 kita bersekolah is secondary yg penting di rumah ibu bapa tanamkan minda yang terbuka pada anak2 disamping membimbing mereka menjadi good muslimin, insya Allah.
Dij, alhamdulillah my children have no problem in understanding an speaking English. But i make them compulsory to speak Malay at home ...tapi kadang2 tu terlepas jugak especially kalau tengah marah...habis hilang my malay. I try to preserve my bahasa ibunda pada my children, sebab kalau tak kawal, pupus bahasa melayu ni. The next thing i target my chilren to know bahasa Arab. Maklumlah hajat ibunya nak pandai cakap arab tak sampai sebab dah tertiarap.
Insya Allah i planned to put my children in class Tahfiz. Alhamdulillah my children's school offers both Duniawi and ukhrawi. It's ok if they tertinggal kebelakang sedikit in their academic level, i believed they can still catch up later on insya Allah.
Do update me perkembangan2 di Singapore.
Salam rindu....Jun
posted by lunacy at 2:28 AM, |