Saturday, July 09, 2005
apa khabo semua
Assalamualaikum semua,
dah berhari-harian aku tunggu giliran nak pegang pc
ni, tapi for this past 3 weeks kat sini cuti sekolah,
so my nieces and nephews conquer habis pc ni. plus
almost every weekend aku selalu keluar
berjalan,maklumlah cuti sekolah and my hubby pun kat
sini cuti panjang.
salam tahziah buat keluar ustazah Ainon. Dij, thanks
so much for your first info. Hiba dgr pemergiannya.
anyway,hope everybody is doing good. Pada kak emmy yg
sakit, Jun doakan semoga yr tonsil operation wil be a
great successful, kalau tak silap tarikh keramat tu,
tarikh your birth date kan, or maybe i silap kot.
I really wanna call you when wati told me you been
warded to hospital, like chitah, i pun takut you lagi
berehat and belum mahu diganggu plus you tak boleh byk
cakap bcos of yr tonsil tu....maklumlah, jun tahu kak
emmy kalau kat talipon suaranya hyper
rabak...hehehe...jgn mare..gurau je.
chitah, i can understand how u felt abt yr bad
experience kat KL tu cos i pernah alami bila anak i
hilang kat shopping ctr, be extra careful k. Umar time
skrg memang di alam kemuncak nak menduga kesabaran ibu
just need your full attention but at the same time dia
sedg menilai jugak mana yg baik dan tidak. so as
parent, this is the moment you should make him fullq1y
understand which is right and which is wrong. Kalau
dia nakal or do something bad, tell him using eye
contact that what he did was not acceptable and wrong.
Sorrylah, kalau i sound macam expert, i learnt this
from a tv series here called, SUPER NANNY. it is a
wonderful real drama show. i pun kat sini apply the
same tactic to my children Dzulkarkaen yg 2yrs+ and
alhamdulillah it is effective.
Oh sebelum ku lupa, lunku sayang, hadiah yg
dikirimkan telahku gayakan. Masya Allah anggunnya
tudung yg kau kasi tu, walaupun mukaku memakainya tak
seanggun yg dulu, tapi alhamdulillah. Thank you, thank
you so much.
Pada atie, good to hear kau dah mula kerja and you are
getting better. semoga yr whole family baik selalu.
K, got to go. Sampai berbunyi lagi di lain masa.
jun yh jauh
dah berhari-harian aku tunggu giliran nak pegang pc
ni, tapi for this past 3 weeks kat sini cuti sekolah,
so my nieces and nephews conquer habis pc ni. plus
almost every weekend aku selalu keluar
berjalan,maklumlah cuti sekolah and my hubby pun kat
sini cuti panjang.
salam tahziah buat keluar ustazah Ainon. Dij, thanks
so much for your first info. Hiba dgr pemergiannya.
anyway,hope everybody is doing good. Pada kak emmy yg
sakit, Jun doakan semoga yr tonsil operation wil be a
great successful, kalau tak silap tarikh keramat tu,
tarikh your birth date kan, or maybe i silap kot.
I really wanna call you when wati told me you been
warded to hospital, like chitah, i pun takut you lagi
berehat and belum mahu diganggu plus you tak boleh byk
cakap bcos of yr tonsil tu....maklumlah, jun tahu kak
emmy kalau kat talipon suaranya hyper
rabak...hehehe...jgn mare..gurau je.
chitah, i can understand how u felt abt yr bad
experience kat KL tu cos i pernah alami bila anak i
hilang kat shopping ctr, be extra careful k. Umar time
skrg memang di alam kemuncak nak menduga kesabaran ibu
just need your full attention but at the same time dia
sedg menilai jugak mana yg baik dan tidak. so as
parent, this is the moment you should make him fullq1y
understand which is right and which is wrong. Kalau
dia nakal or do something bad, tell him using eye
contact that what he did was not acceptable and wrong.
Sorrylah, kalau i sound macam expert, i learnt this
from a tv series here called, SUPER NANNY. it is a
wonderful real drama show. i pun kat sini apply the
same tactic to my children Dzulkarkaen yg 2yrs+ and
alhamdulillah it is effective.
Oh sebelum ku lupa, lunku sayang, hadiah yg
dikirimkan telahku gayakan. Masya Allah anggunnya
tudung yg kau kasi tu, walaupun mukaku memakainya tak
seanggun yg dulu, tapi alhamdulillah. Thank you, thank
you so much.
Pada atie, good to hear kau dah mula kerja and you are
getting better. semoga yr whole family baik selalu.
K, got to go. Sampai berbunyi lagi di lain masa.
jun yh jauh
posted by lunacy at 11:35 PM, | 0 comments