Monday, January 14, 2008

Salam Wa,

Had rcvd your parcel yesterday. Thank you so much for the gifts for my kids and scarfs for myself. You know best my color.

But very disappointed cause you tak kasi gambar yourself and the family, how am I want to introduce to my kids..hehe....

Was surprised as you mentioned Babang dah ada 4 children. Ingatkan aku aje yang champion. Me still 4, memang niat hati, me and my hubby to have more, but when to think back I better concentrate on the quality of my children bukannya quantity, especially to be a good muslim/Muslimah. Me and Aman have so much plans, some of them are to bring our kids to venture the world and the one that we are looking forward is to make an expedition to Mekkah in order to educate them about Islamic history and values dng lebih dekat. insya Allah. Moga Allah berkenankan. Probably have to wait till Asad a bit older for him to understand better so that this expedition dont go waste. Kalau got another one , bila nak game kan, tapi rezeki itu semua ditangan Allah.

Eh, actually the parcel reached last Friday at Lina's house but she thought it was her client (kebetulan Hijrah world got a client by the name Ratnawati Jasman but because she married to a British ang moh, she add to her last name'Moderate' and she converted to Christian, very pity fellow. Pretty but very sympathic.

Wa, I dah hantar the gambar to develop., today later i will collect. Kalau gambar tu menjadi, insya Allah i will send it to you together with some tokens yang aku dah belikan itu. Tapi kalau tak menjadi, terpaksalah kau kena tunggu tahun depan...hehe.
k dear, got to go. Asad tengah buat perangai.

Thank you so much and lots and lots of luvs to you and your kids!!

posted by lunacy at 5:43 PM, | 0 comments
Friday, January 11, 2008

Salam wa,

Thanks for the guideline tapi aku ada problem looking for this favorite button. dah macam2 button aku tekan, go to toolbars, sidebars macam2 bars lagi tinggal meletup aje notebook hubby aku ni.

Frankly speaking ni format window vista ni sungguh tak friendly langsung or aku aje yang bodoh berdarah.

Really looking forward for the parcel, aku pun tengah semangat nak develop gambar2 yg aku dah ambil tapi semlm kedai gambar dah tutup pulak.

Send my many congratulations to Dian and your family. iAlhamdulillah, nak berbesan lagi ibu and kau pulak bakal dapat adik ipar. Agak2 bila diorang nak langsung, kalau aku ada erancangan nak balik singapore, mungkin aku pilih hari Dian kahwin. Bestkan kalau turun time jemputan kawin boleh jumpa kawan2 yg lain jugak. Tapi itu pun tengoklah kalau rezeki ada.

K, keep in touch. aku ni sekarg tengah cari ilham nak masak apa, maklumlah dah rumah sendiri.
Petang karang ada kelas agama, pun nak pikir jugak nak buat kuih apa buat cuci mulut. lepas belajar nanti. nasib baik kak ju ada bekalkan buku resepi warna, berguna jugak buku tu.
posted by lunacy at 5:40 PM, | 0 comments
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

K, thanks nanti aku cuba buat. Kalau tak boleh jugak, jadi bukak blog kau pakai cara manual jugaklah agaknya.

rumah aku number 65, sebelah rumah lina dan jugak office hijrah world.
So the address is the same except for the number ajelah. kau letak nama aku tak, maklumlah aku takut surat yang kau kata tu tak sampai kat tangan aku.
I would like to share my house photos with you and my other friends but like i said, aku ni PC illiterate, nak attach pun tak pandai.

so aku prefer kasi manual ajelah ye tapi itupun negativenya belum hantar pegi cuci lagi.
aku pegi dian punya blog or entah tak tau cuma ada gambar2 dia and kekawan dia. adik kamu tu dah ada matahir ye. Dian dah lain sekali, so pretty like her sister, a bit fleshy than last time. Kerja mana dia sekarang?

aku enjoy tengok gambar2 yang kau put in the blog, gambar your cute boys and gambar your family termasuk gambar cousins2 kau. some i can recognise tapi lupa pulak nama. and kalau tak silap aku yang sakit tu kak yanti kan. dia dah bedridden terus ke? mudah2an Allah membalas jasa yang setimpal pada parents dia yang jaga dia dlm keadaan begitu.
K, got to go. Sambil ber chitchot lagi.

PS : Tell Lin aku dah tukar number hp aku. aku tak ingat apa numbernya and lupa jugak where i put my hp sekarang......dah nyanyuk agaknya. Will forward you my number k.
Take care and looking forward to hear from you again.

posted by lunacy at 5:39 PM, | 0 comments

Salam Wa,

Sorry for the long silence. Aku taklah mengitu sibuk especially skrg masih cuti sekolah so taklah terkejar2 selalu nak hantar and pick up my schooling children.

Aku ni pc illiterate sikit, eh bukan sikit tapi banyak. aku dah cuma nak masuk blog kau since last time tapi tak tau macam mana. yetsterday tu pun kebetulan aku tertekan one button and terbukaklah blog kau. Time nak kasi comment pun tangan ni tersasul, baru aku tekan HI dah terhantar pun.

ada tak cara yang paling mudah nak buka blog kau. sekarag ni aku kena masuk email kau yg ada attachement blog dulu.

before aku terlupa, thank you for including me in you blogy - Jun, jun, jun...malu aku, especially tengok muka sendiri yang masih anak abu tu.Your last comment tu sungguh tak betul, tak sangka mata kau selama ini ceme ye, hehehe.

To me you are the gorgeous and lucky one cause ibu really look after your well being since young. Tudung sekolah kau selalu licin and bersih tak macam aku punya berkerak selalu....maklumlah budak nakal.

kau hantar apa ye? aku ni sebenarnya since last hari raya puasa had bought something for u and children plus kononnya nak kasi kad raya. but aku simpan benda tu sebab aku nak hantar sekali my lasted family photo but your info, sampai sekarang film tu pun aku belum hantar cuci....teruk eh.

k, sekarang aku nak ke blog kau, kita boleh comment selalu kat situ tapi kalau ada yang need to be censored, kita ber emailan ok.

take care and luv you.
posted by lunacy at 10:20 AM, | 0 comments